Jenny Johnstone Translations
I offer high-quality
translations from French
into English.
I have been
translating professionally since
and have
experience of translating many types of
text and of every stage of the
translation process.
I was
Senior Translator at British Nuclear
for many
years and have run my own translation
I currently work as a freelance translator working for
and for translation agencies.
My special areas of expertise include:
the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear fuel transport, Health & Safety, radiological protection, QA, mechanical and chemical engineering, patents , metallurgy
and I also have a lot of experience of translating material relating to other technical areas, general commercial texts, insurance claims, advertising copy, texts relating to medicine, psychology and pharmaceuticals, newspaper articles and much more.
I work quickly and dictate my translations
for fluency. Customers are assured of complete confidentiality.
Please contact me to see whether I am able to help with your particular translation requirement, for my translation rates and for my availability.
I will always try to be flexible to meet
timescales if
I can and will tell you at the outset if I cannot.
Relevant Qualifications
BA (Hons.) Modern Languages (French + German + Italian subsidiary)
Member of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting
My customers include government organisations, small and large local, national and international companies and translation agencies in the UK and across Europe.
Mail me:
Telephone me:
Work: +44
(0)1942 677
Mobile: 07738 100 584